Over the past several years, Frédéric has been supporting Opération Enfant Soleil through his adventures. From July 22 to August 5, 2017, he was the spokesperson for Operation Greenland. This first charity trip organised by Opération Enfant Soleil stemmed from an initiative as part of its 30th telethon, in collaboration with Karavaniers. This out of the ordinary expedition combined adventure and philanthropy, where the travellers kayaked through the Karale glaciers to the granite peaks of Storebror, where they then explored on foot. The original objective for this fundraiser was surpassed, in the end raising more than $103,000 thanks to committed participants, generous partners as well as donors. The registration for the 2nd edition, which will take place in 2019, are currently underway. To reserve your spot or for more information, contact Andreas Lazanis at alazanis@operationenfantsoleil.ca or 1-877-683-2325.
Photo Credit: Vanessa Drolet
Frédéric is the ambassador for Scouts Canada.